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Annual Update

Hughes County RWD 6 district updates:

To keep everyone informed of the activities and projects RWD 6 has underway, we felt it prudent to provide an overview of the annual meeting of the membership on November 12, 2024, at 8:00pm, in the district office, 716 Elder Ave. Gerty, Oklahoma. We are STRONGLY encouraging ALL our customers to subscribe to our website ( HughesRWD6.com ) Even if you don’t have an email, you should still be able to access our website by cell phone. The more subscribers we have, the more efficiently we can communicate. This easy and simple request is very important to helping the district stay in compliance with notification requirements while keeping costs down.

Hughes County RWD 6 was awarded a $1M grant through the Oklahoma Water Resources Board to upgrade a two-inch line on 150 road from highway 75 going East approximately 3.25 miles to NS 383 Road. Connecting an existing six-inch line on highway 75 to a four-inch line on 383 road. This upgrade will greatly improve system flows and hydraulics for all our customers. We had originally planned to build a new water tower on this new section of line but are facing a funding shortfall of about $400,000.00. Should we be successful in finding additional funding, we are still planning to construct the new water storage standpipe. The construction of the waterline is planned to be complete by the end of December 2024.

We have endured some significant damage to our water distribution system this year. The spring tornadoes that impacted several communities from Sulfur to Holdenville, brought with them flash flooding and lightening which washed out several creek crossings, exposing or completely washing away our water mains and damaging our telemetry system. We have replaced these creek crossings, repaired all our damaged equipment and are working with Oklahoma Emergency Management and FEMA for financial assistance to recover some of our costs.

The annual audit of the district was conducted by Bledsoe, Hewett & Gullekson, which was presented to the Board and membership by Eric Bledsoe. Mr. Bledsoe was very complimentary of our system, staff and Board, stating our district is exceptional in our policies, processes and oversight. Through the auditing process he found no deficiencies, or errors, to the extent he felt very impressed with our organization, certainly being above average in every instance.

The Election of Directors and Officers were retained as seated; Mr. Orvall Powell Jr. (Chairman), Mr. Winston Beavert (Vice-chairman), Mr. Gregory Meyer (Sec/Treas), Mr. Willis Rinehart (Director), and Mr. James L. Morrison (Director).

Equally exciting is the acquisition of Hughes RWD 4 by Hughes RWD 6. This joining of the two systems has been a consideration since 1994, when RWD 6 began supplying the water for RWD 4. Both Boards and the Membership of both Districts have approved this acquisition. The application to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board is submitted and is planning to be approved at their December 15, 2024, meeting.

Hughes RWD 4 has 299 active services, two standpipes, and associated waterlines. Being that Hughes RWD 6 has been their sole source of water for many years, the chemistry and engineering are basically settled. The real complications of this acquisition are in the legal and governance perspectives. A governing body simply doesn’t just go away. The laws that we must all adhere to are quite intricate. One system or group of members cannot benefit from another, the acquisition must be beneficial to EVERY member of both systems. The FAIR, EQUITABLE, and NON-DESCRIMINATORY terms still apply to whole systems, not just individual members. This is truly a historic moment for both systems. Agencies and government officials have encouraged systems joining for years. All the benefits of “cost share per customer”, sampling requirements, compliance with mandates, accountability and responsibility, are all considered. Both Boards are to be commended for their foresight, and dedication to the sustainability of our water service. Many hours of planning and work have gone into this endeavor to make certain every customer is secure, protected and will benefit from the acquisition.

Hughes RWD 6 has 615 active services, 4 wells for sourcing our water supply, 2 treatment facilities, 3 standpipes, and 4 staff that are all licensed operators as employees of the district. It is a very logical and strategic move for both districts to ensure sustainable water service for all our customers. We are always striving to provide the most efficient and consistent service to each member. The Staff and Management of Hughes RWD 6 will assume responsibility of the operation and management of the former Hughes RWD 4 Assets and territory beginning January 1, 2025. We are genuinely excited to welcome each customer and look forward to a sustainable and blessed future for every member! Should anyone have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.

Sheldon Tatum

District Manager

Hughes County RWD 6